Thursday, December 22, 2011

From years gone by....

Maybe it's the Christmas season, maybe it's something else, but I'm feeling somewhat nostalgic.  I opened my checkbook today and let out a sigh.... not because of the balance, but because of the tiny little face staring back at me:

My tiny sister Amelia - 5 years ago
 Now, I know this is not a very clear picture - I was still using a film camera then, so this is a scanned copy of the wallet in my checkbook (which is beginning to look quite tattered!).  But, you get the idea.....  I can't believe she's so big now.  I remember doing this photo session, she was only a few days old.  So precious.
Well, since I was on the "old photos" kick, I drug out another and scanned it in as well.  Once again, quality not the best, but it works.  She was a little older in this one and already enjoying the fun of dressing up. (She still loves to dress up ..... mostly as a ballerina, have someone turn on "dance music" and round up someone to dance with her!)  The joy of a little girl in the house.....

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