Thursday, February 25, 2016

Inspiration: What drives good photography

“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.”

Me at age 3
Inspiration fuels creativity. We gain inspiration in so many ways. From different places, people and things. I remember as a young girl this being my favorite portrait. My mom always had portraits made each year (sometimes more than once a year) so there were plenty to pick from, but something about this one grabbed my imagination. I don't remember the day it was taken, but I remember being quite young and looking at it in my mom's "Brag Book".  Now, I can tell you that I love the composition, the lighting, the placement, the expression, the use of the mirror (which I now often incorporate into my own images). Back then, I couldn't tell you why I liked it - I just knew that I did. Inspiration.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

New Beginnings.....

Wow. January is gone and February is already on it's way out. Christmas seems like only yesterday. And honestly, we're already electing a President again?!  Life is busy and full to the brim. Which I'm sure many of you could've guessed, seeing that (until the past two weeks) my blog has been woefully neglected of late. Like, for the past 7 months.  Sooooooo, I thought I might take a few minutes to bring you up to date.

Last July I went to Ecuador:
Cheering on Equipo Morado (Team Purple) during the Camp Week Soccer Tournament
In August I went to Guatemala:
We all died in this skit. Well, sort of. (PC: Brittni Moten)
After arriving back in the States and a quick week-long visit home, I moved to Shawnee, Ok:
My new room - I'm almost finished with the remodel/decorating. Theme: Travel 
In September I landed a job nannying for two of the most adorable little girls:
A favorite pastime - playing under the barstools. (one of my first days on the job.)
from a Photo Shoot with "my girls". More coming soon.....

In October I spent a week (with 3 of my siblings) in Ohio and was Staff Photographer for the Passion4Christ Summit:

In November I started a second job - this time as Secretary to the Dean, College of Fine Arts at Oklahoma Baptist University. 
First Day!
My desk: complete with keys
to the building, ID and name plate

     In December we celebrated all things Christmas.

My favorite handle
In January I worked. And worked some more. Did I mention work? I painted the living room. Oh, and went to some swim meets.
My building - Raley Chapel - on the first day of classes for the Spring Semester. My job this day? Make sure every class has a room to meet in and every room has a class schedule. (does that even make sense?)

Watching Jon compete at OBU against St. Gregory's University

Watching Jon & the OBU Bison compete in Edmond - as well as my other brothers - in a USA Swim meet.

February has been crazy too - Valentine's Day flew by pretty much unnoticed and the work-load at OBU got crazier as the semester progressed. I was excited to photograph the Concerto-Aria for the College of Fine Arts which you can view here
In the next few weeks, I hope to be able to catch up a little by posting some shoots I've done over the past couple of months, so stop by again soon. And leave some comments.... I always enjoy hearing from you!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Event Photography: Concerto-Aria at Oklahoma Baptist University

On Sunday evening I captured images for the Fine Arts Department at the 42nd Annual Concerto-Aria Concert at Oklahoma Baptist University. It was an evening of excellent performances in both vocal and instrumental disciplines. Here are a few of my favorites from the evening.....

Evan K., Tenor

Audrey J. on the Vibraphone

Cassidy O., Soprano

Mason M., Tenor

Dakota U., Tenor

Dr. C played Rachmaninoff

Michael W.'s original composition was played by the Orchestra

Victoria T. on the violin

The Performers

After the concert, Dr. V demonstrates how to play the Theremin

The kids really enjoyed this instrument!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Beauty in so many places........

     Life has been so busy of late.... and my blog (not to mention my photography) have fallen somewhat silent as a result. This past weekend Laura and I were able to head to South Texas and enjoy the beauty of nature and fellowship with friends. We drove to Dallas, picked up 3 friends there and then headed South. Our first stop: Hamilton's Pool near Dripping Springs.

Hamilton's Pool: One of the Top 25 places foreigners like to visit in the USA 

It was pretty amazing  - you can even swim there when the weather's warm!

short hike to-and-from the pool
     Our house was amazing. We found time here for conversation, big breakfasts, bible study and fellowship.

We stayed in Seguin - in this awesome Tree House!

     On Friday we ventured over to San Antonio where we took in The Alamo (cross one off the bucket list), San Jose Mission and the Riverwalk.

And no, we weren't trying to match. :)

San Jose Mission - my favorite..... and that's saying something since I've ALWAYS wanted to go to the Alamo.

Fun to catch up with Meagan - she flew in from Minnesota to be with us!

Love this one of Haylee and Laura
Downtown San Antonio


The Riverwalk
We were busy snapping pictures, chatting - and bringing up the end of the line!

Ecuador Team Mini-Reunion #1 - Micah joined us for dinner.
On Saturday we packed up and went to Austin for a bit - Micah gave us a tour of the Capitol and we met up with Morgan and Emily for lunch before bidding farewell and heading back to the Dallas area for the night.

Ecuador Team Mini-Reunion #2 - Morgan!
 Sunday we went to church with friends and after lunch had to say our final goodbyes. It was a great weekend.
Ecuador Team Mini-Reunion #3 - Laura!

Final goodbyes and selfies

It was so nice to have a little time away. A time to reflect. A time to enjoy God's creation. A time to embrace history. A time to fellowship. A time to take pictures. Until next time.....