Monday, June 30, 2014

10 Days ...... from Wednesday :)

     So, I was going to post this on Wednesday, but I just couldn't wait. It's ten days on Wednesday, but why not go ahead when I have it all ready?!  It's been a crazy hectic week since returning from vacation: getting caught up on work, preparing for camp (which starts Wednesday!), and doing all the things that I need to do before heading out of the country.
     Here are a few things related to my trip: Today I will complete my final Team Training. <yes!> My final payment is due on Friday. While on vacation, I found a coffee shop with internet to attend our final Team Meeting. (I just love hearing "final" so many times!) It went really well.

(my audio was not working, so I actually had to call in to be heard!)
     My aunt sent a box of stuff for my trip - what fun to open that up and see all the "goodies" she supplied. :)

     A good friend from church lent me some luggage for my trip - these are going to be great. I'm going to enjoy using these. They sit in our living room, waiting to be packed.

     This week I got my hair cut. I loved my long hair, but I wanted quick and easy for my trip. I'm told we may have cold showers (at least for some of the time) and I prefer being able to get done quickly if such is the case!  My stylist did such a great job - I love the result. It's easy to fix and still a cut I really like.

     I also found out that I am the only serious photographer on the trip. I'd thought that perhaps someone else might be there who could take great pictures and I'd get copies from them, leaving me open to work in other areas. Since that is not the case, I'm planning to take lots of pictures. This has led to purchasing a few more camera-related items that I need. So glad I bought my new camera at the first of the year. :)

Note: the bracelet/band I am wearing was sent by GE to promote my trip.
I've had fun handing them out to family & friends as prayer reminders. :)

     A big thanks to everyone who've contributed in one way or another to my trip. Donations, gifts, lending items, prayer - all of it is so appreciated.  I wouldn't be able to do this without all the help I've received. Blessings!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Images from Iowa

Who would've thought Iowa could be so fun?! We thoroughly enjoyed our week there - hopefully in the future I will have time to expound and journal a bit about our time, but for now, here's a glimpse:

We spent an hour at the beach at sunset taking pictures (separate post on that coming soon!)
Perfect temps, perfect lighting, perfect evening.

We went to the Iowa Veteren's Home where my great-great-grandfather is buried. This monument was erected to honor Civil War Veterens (which he was) and he would've still been alive when it was dedicated.

We visited the blind school that Mary Ingalls attended - this is the original entry in the books when she arrived.

Downtown shopping (and picture taking)

Yummy Ice Cream Sodas

Pella, Iowa was founded by Dutch settlers who came to America for religious freedom.
The whole town feels like you're stepping into Holland.

The Molengracht

We got this picture for Aaron :)

The canal at the Molengracht

The Klokkenspel

Night-time pictures (after an Ecuador team meeting at a coffee shop)

At the beach (to play this time!)

The boys at "The Tower"

The girls at one of the "Bridges of Madison County" (there are 6 covered bridges there - we saw 3 of them. They are the inspiration for the book and movie - which I've never read or seen, by the way. I just loved the covered bridges!)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Luggage Tags for my Trip

Custom Luggage Tag
View the entire collection of cards.

Luggage Tags for my Trip

I had fun designing these luggage tags - so excited to use them on my trip to Ecuador!
Custom Luggage Tag
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

25 Days Out

     The clock just keeps ticking, the days keep slipping by.  Life is very full, but I never lose sight of departure day. I find myself constantly thinking of what I need to take, things I need to purchase. What all needs wrapped up before I go. It's fun and exciting.

     On June 5th we had our first team meeting through Zoom. It was good to meet everyone and ask questions - lots of questions!

On June 7th my first payment was due. Sending off the check just makes it real - I'm actually going to Ecuador!

     We also had Team Training online to complete on our own.  2 of those down, 2 to go.

And then there are so many things I need for my trip:

Like this (for drinking LOTS of water)

And this will be extremely helpful.

And I've needed another one of these for a while

Also thinking about this - not sure if I would use it, but I'm told it comes in handy.

Trying to find a few of these that I like - and TSA approved.

And I'm told these are pretty essential too.

     I now have my plane tickets booked as well. Flying to Florida and then on to Ecuador with the Team. We'll be ministering in Ecuador for over 3 weeks.  I can't wait. :)

Friday, June 6, 2014


     May was a very busy month, and June looks to be even more so. We celebrated a birthday and Mother's Day; attended graduations and Tri-State, and we held our first-ever Piano Recital.  We also prepared for wheat harvest at the RV park and saw our first cusom cutter arrive on May 29th. (Harvest is always a big deal here!)  Here are some random shots from the month.
Juanita (one of our girls from church) graduated 8th grade.
     I have 5 piano students - which is just about right. I don't think I would have time for more than that. But I enjoy teaching, so having a handful works out great. Between myself and my two sisters, we have enough students to have a short recital - which is just the right length for a recital. :)  And so yes, everthing was perfect. All the students did so well -  Congrats on a job well done guys!

We'll be sorry to see these girls go, but it looks as though they might be moving. ;(


     And we have had a teeny amount of time to relax - and eat chocolate-covered frozen bananas. :)