Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

On the road again....


     So tomorrow two sisters, two brothers & I hit the road - we can't wait!  Our first stop is in Arkansas to stay overnight with my Aunt.

Then, we head through Tennessee on our way to Kentucky. We plan to meet up with a friend for lunch in Nashville. Once we get to Kentucky later that evening, we'll be staying for a few days.

I have two good friends there & we'll be staying at the Galilean Home.  Lots of fun stuff planned for those three days.


These pictures are from 2009 when I served there - just love these babies!

On Tuesday we head out early for Cincinnati, Ohio & the Creation Museum.  It's only three hours from Galilean Home, but I never made it when I was there 4 years ago. So this time, we're all going! I've heard so many rave reviews. Can't wait.  If the government is back up and running, we may try to visit President Taft's home as well.

After staying the night in Cincinnati, we drive on up to Perrysville, Ohio on Wednesday for a 5 day conference/camp. Excited to learn more about the body of Christ.

Sunday afternoon we start for home - taking a more direct route through Indiana & Missouri. We'll probably get in late on Monday evening. We want to stop at the St. Louis Arch if the National Parks open back up.

It's going to be a great time of spiritual refreshment, re-connecting with old friends, and seeing more of our wonderful country. Pray for safe travels. I'll try to post as we go along, but I just may not find time. :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

Busy, busy, busy

     My blog has remained silent for too long. There're several reasons - the main one being that we are having a housewarming this tomorrow (if you're in the area, come out and see our new house!) and we've been furiously finishing all those "final details".  Then, in one week, some of my siblings and I are traveling to Kentucky & Ohio for ten days. So excited! I'll have to share more on that when I have the time. So, with prep for our trip, and work, and finishing our house (plus a million other things I don't have time to enumerate here) it makes for very extremely busy days.  Then too, I've lost my memory cards!  I thought they would've turned up by now, but not yet.  I'm starting to get worried. I have pictures on them that I want to share, and have somehow misplaced them. <sigh>

     So, here's hoping you have a happy weekend.  And an old picture since I can't find my cards......
Mya - a little cutie from the Angel House. Can't wait to be back for a few days!