Friday, April 18, 2014

The Blood Moon

     Did you watch the Eclipse a few nights ago?  We did.  It was so fascinating.  I'd seen at least two eclipses before - but it's been a long while since the last one. Some of my crazy family stayed up all night, but I went to bed around 10:00 - setting my alarm for 1:15 am. At that point I headed outside to get my first glimpse.  Sure enough, the dark shadow was moving across the moon.

Laura took these first two pictures

I love this one of Laura gazing at the sky

     It was so frigid outside! Ridiculous weather for this time of year. We looked at the thermometer and it was 24 degrees!  So, we made hot chocolate and bundled up in coats & blankets. :) Just two days before it was nearly 90 degrees.

See the moon?


Laura took this one too - this is during the total eclipse phase.
         So most everyone stayed up 'til around three when it became the orangey color that gives eclipses the name "blood moon". Mom had fixed breakfast at their house so we all had a good meal - and then everyone started drifting off to bed.  :)  I stayed up 'til 4:00 - long enough to see the moon coming out of total eclipse and get a few more pictures.... then went to bed myself for some much needed rest.

I took this one as the moon was coming out of total eclipse - I was amazed at how 3-D the moon looks.
      The whole experience was very moving. How amazing that God takes the time to display His power for us to see - if we're only willing to watch and learn.  The next morning, I added some scripture to some of my pictures.


  1. Great pics, girls!!! I had to copy the ones with scripture to share....I will give credit to you....LOVE you tons!!!
