Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My New Toy

In June the local camera store liquidated stock for two weeks and then auctioned off the rest.  My sisters & I spent hours there looking through everything and buying up camera stuff at rock-bottom prices. We found some lenses, filters, straps, bags, books & much more. It was almost like Christmas ..... only we had to pay the bill. <smile>  My favorite purchases were two old cameras. I don't know yet whether I can make them work or not, but if not they'll make great props. I used money I got for my birthday for these.... and my little sister says "big people" don't get toys for birthdays.

Absolutely LOVE the flash on this one

The bellows on this one are so "old-fashioned"

Monday, August 13, 2012

Teeny Ballerina

I took these pictures quite some time ago - soon after I got my new digital camera.  Must've been around 2008.  This little cutie has always loved dancing, ballet & dressing up.  My heart melted when I saw these pictures again.... I can't believe she's so big now.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dressing Up....

My little sister wanted to play "dress up" this week, so we dragged out all the stuff and I made her up time and again.  We do this from time to time, she & I.  She decides what she wants to be and then we go through everything she has.... raid the sisters & mother's closets...... and even pick a few things from the boys' room at times (especially for cowgirl) to make it "poefect" (her word for "the best").  Once she's all done she looks in the mirror & smiles.  What a great way to spend the afternoon - I wouldn't have it any other way.

Of course the camera comes into play.  She used to tire of the camera very quickly - I think she's resigned to it now.

A twirling Ballerina

A pose of her choice (she has PLENTY of suggestions for poses)

A "ballerina bun"

As "The Queen" (she borrowed mom's jewelry)

Going Out

As Laura Ingalls