Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Counting down to take-off.....

The Wichita Mountains
     April rushed past in a blur of activity - much of which was spent in preparation for my trip to Europe. Orientation on Monday evenings. Group Texts. Creation-To-Christ weekend. A team bonding trip that included hiking in the Wichita Mountains and world-famous burgers in Meers. Sunday afternoon team meetings. Finding out that Germany has been added to the itinerary. {SUPER excited} GO trip banquet and rehearsal (at 9:30 PM no less!). Commissioning Chapel. Our entire team together at last! Our final team meeting before we head out in just 52 days. Picking a #hashtag. And having our tickets in hand. It's getting real.
Team Switzerland
Photobombing - in a most auspicious way

Faceoff with a lizard

And yes, that's part of the team crossing the spillway

Meers: Amazing Food
 Commissioning Chapel: April 27th

Cardboard Testimonies

We are Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ
     We will be sending out updates via a team email. If you would like to receive these emails, message me and let me know.