Friday, March 20, 2015

3rd Place - Thanks so much for your help!

     A huge thanks to all who helped in the voting process! (Sorry it's taken so long to post this here) With a great effort from everyone, we were able to take third place on the last day of voting and held our place there when it was all said and done. This means a $100 scholarship which would not've been possible without all of you. It was a privilege to be chosen and even be able to compete for the scholarships. It was a great ride. :)
Congratulations to Rachel Stewart, 3rd place winner in the Global Encounters photo contest! Her picture "Mobbed by Kids," has won a $100 scholarship toward her ...mission trip to Ecuador this summer! What we love about this picture: it captures action! The photo tells the story of love in action even before we read the explanation. We're looking forward to having you on the Ecuador team in July! ‪#‎GEcontest

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Help Me - it's Easy!

Hi Everyone! Please take ONE minute to go vote for me so I can earn a scholarship towards my missions trips! BE SURE to scroll to the bottom and hit the "SUBMIT" button on both the website and facebook. Thanks!

Here are the links:

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Please Vote for Me! (& help me earn a scholarship towards my mission trips)

Many of you followed my trip to Ecuador with Global Encounters last year. In July I will be returning to Ecuador for three weeks, working in many of the same places as last year, alongside translators, pastors, teachers and others who became friends along the way. I am so excited to return and see so many familiar faces (and meet new ones) while spreading the news of Christ's love & truth. Just two days after finishing in Ecuador, I will be headed to Guatemala to work with a deaf ministry for two weeks. I am super excited about this opportunity as I do know a little sign language. :) I am hoping to join the photography team on this mission, which will be a visual way to teach the love of Christ to those who cannot hear.  Taking two trips at once is a large investment so I need some help from all of you. I have entered a photography contest put on by Global Encounters. If I win, I will earn a $500 scholarship towards my trips which will be extremely helpful. :) All you need to do is follow the links and place your vote. The picture with the most votes at contest end, wins. Thank you all so much!


Here's how it works: 
  • Each person can vote once per medium.
  • Once on facebook and once on the website.
  • Click each link below to be taken to these individual sites. 
  • Once there, find my photo "Mobbed by Kids"
  • Click "Vote"
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "submit" (don't forget to do this - it won't submit your vote otherwise!)
  • You're done!
Here are the links:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snow, Snow and More Snow!

     It has been an overly snowy week here in Oklahoma. On Friday it started coming down in earnest. After work, I took Amelia out (having dressed her in her super cute coat, gloves, hat & scarf) and took some pictures. She wanted one catching snowflakes on her tongue. :) And once we finished with our shoot, we played in the snow awhile....... why not? Then we came in and had a cup of hot tea. The perfect way to warm up. <sigh>
(check back soon for pictures of our adventure the next day.... sledding!)  

While "playing" in the snow. And my lens got a smudge..... so irritating!